联系人:楚经理 先生 (经理) |
电 话:0531-80975557 |
手 机:18954195557 |
济南酒店壁挂炉地暖设计公司 |
1, each room is usually a loop, the whole root without joint of warm water for each loop, so buried in the ground no menace from the rear.
2, heating and domestic hot water system of two sets of independent water supply, the warm water system is closed circulation system. Usually in the heating mode of work, then you can use hot water, hot water is a priority, will not affect the heating effect, suitable for bath, wash your hands, wash your face, wash vegetables what is appropriate.
3, that is to say, even if the room temperature is lower than the set value, heating hot water circulating pump does not start, will not cause the temperature change of hot water. Very thoughtful, very convenient to use. 1, to install in the bathroom for heating, with cable heating, if most of the rooms to enjoy the warm water is warm, so do not have to buy gas water heater, hot water can also be used.
济南子禾暖通设备有限公司位 于素有“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”美誉的泉城济 南,是您身边的绿色健康环保顾问。我们致力于为每一个家 庭提供绿色、节能、健康、舒适家居集成系统。
手机: 18954195557
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