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联系人:楚经理 先生 (经理)
电 话:0531-80975557
手 机:18954195557





1, electric heating is also used to control the electric floor heating, floor radiant heating in electric power is relatively simple and reliable, household control room temperature and more flexible, can be adjusted according to the load demand of the room heating, saving energy, and improve thermal comfort.

2、 另外,利用电热地暖设备还可以进行自由热的利用。自由热是指建筑物的额外得热,如日照、炊事、电器设备的使用以及人员活动散热等。

2, in addition, the use of heating equipment can also use the free heat. Free hot refers to the building of additional heat, such as the use of sunlight, cooking, electrical equipment and personnel activities cooling.


3, the central heating system in the current situation is not based on how many free thermal regulation of output, the realization of the use of free heat energy, with sunshine effect as an example, the temperature of heating indoor often can appear north and South room. The electric heating system can realize the control room temperature, it can be based on the amount of free thermal control output, eliminate room temperature.


济南子禾暖通设备有限公司(咨询电话★ 18866828678)位 于素有“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”美誉的泉城济 南,是您身边的绿色健康环保顾问。我们致力于为每一个家 庭提供绿色、节能、健康、舒适家居集成系统。




手机: 18954195557


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电  话: 0531-80975557
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移动电话: 18954195557
公司地址: 中国山东济南市山东省济南市济齐路323号
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